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  • 3 boxes à 30 pieces (3x 72 g)
  • Chewable Tablet XXL package of (90 tablets) is the supply for a cure of 3 months.
  • 3 months are according to our experience approximately the time the body needs to respond reliably to BIESTMILCH. In this period of time your immunity becomes more stable and your stress-resistance increases. For best results, the recommended amount is 900 mg daily. Regularity before quantity! Also advisable if you have a chronic condition. Please, stick to a daily routine of intake. The body needs time to change for the better.
  • Recommendation for use: 1 chewy tablet daily. If needed, in cases of increased workload or stress exposure, the amount can be increased up to 4 grams per day.
  • Storage life: The chewy tablet can be kept for 3 years without loosing activity.

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